Ramblings About’s Top Twenty Matches Of 2018

Image result for ishii vs ibushi g1
Spoilers. Credit: NJPW

With music and films out of the way, it’s time to finish the year with a list that actually reflects the name of the site, it’s wrassling time. First, though, I have a few disclaimers. This list will be New Japan heavy because I mainly watch New Japan. I’m also limiting myself to one match per a feud and as I have reviewed a lot of these before I’ll be linking to my previous reviews rather than going in depth. I will, however, talk a bit about those I haven’t had a chance to ramble about. Right, let’s do this.

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PWG BOLA 2018 Night Two Review

After a grunty chop fueled opening night, BOLA 2018 comes into night two on a high. With Shingo vs Ilja and WALTER vs Thatcher booked, I suspect said chops shall continue. This one has the potential to be something special, let’s see how it goes.

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The Young Bucks – Are They The GOAT?


Has any tag team ever generated as much conversation as The Young Bucks? For some, they are an example of what wrestling can be. Two men who without the help of WWE have created an empire for themselves. An empire that allows them to live outside the machine while travelling the world putting on a show. To others, they are the worst of modern-day pro-wrestling. Spot monkeys who destroy a business that was once built on hard men doing hard things. If you’re looking for that take, then you’re reading the wrong article.

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PWG Mystery Vortex 2018 Review

It’s the PWG show where we don’t know who is going to turn up. Except we have to get it on DVD which means it arrives over a month later, and by that point, we don’t only know the card, but most of the results. However, that’s what you expect from Pro Wrestling Guerilla and we ain’t going to complain. We just hope that the wrestling is good enough to make up for the hassle. Let’s dish out some stars.

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Ramblings About’s Top Three Wrestling Matches Of 2017

Spoiler. Credit: NJPW

Twenty albums, ten films and three matches. Why? Nobody knows, and it is certainly not from a lack of options. This has been a hell of a year for wrestling. Sure, the big boy has been a bit shit, but the rest of the world is stepping up, and even WWE had a few crackers. Wrestling is on top form right now, and it’s a joy to watch.

Alongside all my usual disclaimers I would like to point out that I am one person and I can only watch so many promotions. This list is slanted in a certain direction because of that. I hope to get into even more promotions in the future, but there are only so many hours in the day. Anyway, let’s get on with it.

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