Marvelous Sapporo (2/6/24) Review

Credit: Marvelous

Marvelous’s second day in Sapporo had found itself a title match for the main event as Magenta faced the challenge of Unagi Sayaka and Brooke Havok. Outside of that, the card promised another fun show from the Marvelous roster’s trip up north. Let’s see if it was right to do so.

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Marvelous Sapporo (1/6/24) Review

I liked the tour poster. Credit: Marvelous

Marvelous’s trip to Hokkaido is something I look forward to every year. With the roster and some guests heading north for the weekend, the shows take on the air of a summer holiday as everyone kicks back and enjoys the chance to compete in front of a crowd that isn’t as over-saturated with wrestling as the one in Tokyo. You’re unlikely to come out of these shows with a match-of-the-year contender, but the vibes are immaculate, and that’s what I love about it. So, let’s see what went down.

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Marvelous Mio Momono’s Birthday (30/5/24) Review

The birthday girl got her cake. Credit: Here

Before jetting off to Hokkaido for the weekend, Marvelous had a birthday party to throw as Mio Momono turned 26. The best wrestler in the world deserves the biggest party possible, but if money is tight, a fun day out at Shinkiba isn’t an awful second choice. Besides, it’s Mio – if you let her wrestle, she’s happy. Let’s see if she got what she wanted.

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Marvelous (14/5/24) Review

Credit: Marvelous

Marvelous’s first show post-Korakuen saw some last-minute card scrambling force them to put the intended main event on first. If I’ve got my translations right, someone’s mum had fallen ill, so Chigusa Nagayo swapped things around so they could get away as soon as possible. It’s always nice when a company you like proves they’ve got their hearts in the right place, and I hope everything turns out alright for the person (and their mum) in question. Anyway, on with the show. 

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Marvelous 8th Anniversary (3/5/24) Review

Managing to look that calm while falling through the air blows my mind. Credit: Here

Apologies to the one person who might have been waiting for a review of the Takumi anniversary show. Marvelous had some issues with the VOD, and it’s still not up (I’ve contacted them, and they said they’d look into it). However, there is no time to grumble as we move from one birthday celebration to the next. Marvelous entered their ninth year by marking the eight that came before at Korakuen Hall. What went down? Let’s find out. 

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