Marvelous (18/6/24) Review

Credit: Marvelous

Marvelous’s latest trip to Shinkiba was a time for goodbyes and hellos. Leaving us are Titus Alexander and Jiah Jewell, who are both returning to America. They will be replaced by Jessie Jackson and Sara Leon, who have become the latest members of the extended Marvelous family. How did they all get on? Let’s find out.

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Team 200kg (Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu) vs Best Friends (Arisa Nakajima & Tsukasa Fujimoto), Sendai Girls (9/6/24) Review

Four of the best. Credit: Here

Watching this match, I couldn’t shut up the nagging question in the back of my mind: ‘Why don’t I love it?’ Two of the best joshi tag teams of recent years got fifteen minutes to clash heads in Shinjuku, and I wanted it to be incredible. Instead, it was good, maybe even great. While those descriptors typically aren’t an issue, they’re not what I pictured. Is it fair to expect the extraordinary? No, but I can’t pretend I didn’t.

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TJPW Prism ’24 (9/6/24) Review

Powerful Miu. Credit: TJPW

Tokyo Joshi returned to Korakuen Hall with a show that, on paper, is one of their weaker big efforts this year. There were some intriguing combos scattered through the undercard, but with the title matches involving foreign talent I either know nothing about or have little investment in, it’s hard to get too excited about it. Still, you never know when the next Max the Impaler might turn up, and there is every chance someone will blow me away.

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Marvelous Sapporo (1/6/24) Review

I liked the tour poster. Credit: Marvelous

Marvelous’s trip to Hokkaido is something I look forward to every year. With the roster and some guests heading north for the weekend, the shows take on the air of a summer holiday as everyone kicks back and enjoys the chance to compete in front of a crowd that isn’t as over-saturated with wrestling as the one in Tokyo. You’re unlikely to come out of these shows with a match-of-the-year contender, but the vibes are immaculate, and that’s what I love about it. So, let’s see what went down.

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Gatoh Move ‘Road to Korakuen – Apple Ambitious’ (30/5/24) Review

It’s a weird, but brilliant, gang. Credit: Screenshot

That Gatoh Move trip to Korakuen Hall is drawing ever closer, meaning this show served a double purpose. The first is the same as every Gatoh Move event this year, as they pave the road to that big day. As for the second? Well, the Apple Goblin has been wrestling for six glorious years, and it’s time to give her some dues. Not that she was blessed with an easy anniversary showdown, as Best Bros took on Hyakkin Thunders in the main event. Still, if you want to reach the top, you’ve got to deal with the best, and Emi and Masa are certainly that. Let’s see what went down.

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Marvelous Mio Momono’s Birthday (30/5/24) Review

The birthday girl got her cake. Credit: Here

Before jetting off to Hokkaido for the weekend, Marvelous had a birthday party to throw as Mio Momono turned 26. The best wrestler in the world deserves the biggest party possible, but if money is tight, a fun day out at Shinkiba isn’t an awful second choice. Besides, it’s Mio – if you let her wrestle, she’s happy. Let’s see if she got what she wanted.

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Ramblings About’s Matches of the Month for May 2024

The new champ’s first defence. Credit: TJPW

Another month is over and done with, as 2024 seems to be roaring past at an alarming speed. May saw the introduction of a new Rossy Ogawa venture into the wrestling scene alongside all the usual shenanigans, so it’s a fun time to be following along. However, if you can’t watch everything, why not let Ramblings About point you towards the exciting stuff? You’ll probably not regret it.

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Marigold Fields Forever (20/5/24) Review

Sareee found a big pal. Credit: Marigold

We’ve got a new company on our hands. From the ashes of Rossy Ogawa’s Stardom career is born Marigold, a collection of Rossy’s old allies, some Stardom wrestlers who followed him out the door and a few people he pinched from elsewhere. Rossy gonna Rossy! Jokes aside, a sizeable new company will always be worth talking about, and with a roster bursting with potential, I am intrigued to see where this goes.

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TJPW Spring Live Tour (18/5/24) Review

The champ is strong. Credit: TJPW

It’s been a bit of a sad weekend to be a TJPW fan. The announcement that Hikari Noa would be graduating from both the Up Up Girls and the company wasn’t surprising, but it still hurt. Noa has been an integral part of Tokyo Joshi since I started watching, and someone I’ve always had a lot of time for, so to see her depart so unceremoniously leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. One suspects that idol politics is at play, but I have no wish to delve into those murky waters. I simply hope she’s okay and that, if she wishes, we see her pop up somewhere else.

Away from the sadness, TJPW were in Shinkiba for the latest stop of their Spring tour. Let’s see what went down. 

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