Gatoh Move ‘Road to Korakuen – Apple Ambitious’ (30/5/24) Review

It’s a weird, but brilliant, gang. Credit: Screenshot

That Gatoh Move trip to Korakuen Hall is drawing ever closer, meaning this show served a double purpose. The first is the same as every Gatoh Move event this year, as they pave the road to that big day. As for the second? Well, the Apple Goblin has been wrestling for six glorious years, and it’s time to give her some dues. Not that she was blessed with an easy anniversary showdown, as Best Bros took on Hyakkin Thunders in the main event. Still, if you want to reach the top, you’ve got to deal with the best, and Emi and Masa are certainly that. Let’s see what went down.

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Gatoh Move Road to Korakuen – Challengers (13/4/24) Review

My favourite gang. Credit: Here

Gatoh Move continued their Road to Korakuen with a trip to Kitazawa Town Hall, rocking up on the same day TJPW held an enjoyable show headlined by Juria Nagano’s retirement. Did Gatoh make it two for two? Let’s find out.

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