ROH Throwback: Honor Invades Boston (24/8/02) Review
Credit: ROH

Fourteen matches. FOURTEEN MATCHES! Ring of Honor does not make this shit easy, does it? What wrestling card, needs fourteen fucking matches? That’s an insane number, and while, thankfully, none of them is an hour-long Iron Man, it does speak to this period’s obsession with the idea that more is better. I’m here to tell you that it’s not, but sadly, that doesn’t change the fact that we’re watching this damn show. Fingers crossed it at least means they’re all short.

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ROH Throwback: Crowning A Champion (27/7/02) Review

Blog #62 The BFT Reviews: ROH Crowning a Champion | Wrestling Amino
Credit: ROH

Alright, it’s finally here. Being locked in my house broke me to the extent that I found the time to sit down and watch the Four-Way Iron Man match that was set-up to determine the first ROH champion. Will it be any good? It’s an hour long, so probably not, but let’s find out.

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ROH Throwback: Night of Appreciation (27/4/02) Review

So old-school. Credit: ROH

The third show in ROH’s run was set-up as a night of appreciation for Eddy Guerrero who was already back on WWE TV and had actually won the Intercontinental Title. It’s weird that a company which had three shows to their name was giving someone a big goodbye, but it’s Guerrero, so who are we to argue? Let’s wander back in time to see what happened.

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Meltzer’s Classics: Samoa Joe vs Kenta Kobashi (1/10/05)
Credit: ROH

It’s 2005 and Ring of Honor is the hottest independent wrestling company in America. One of the jewels in their crown is Samoa Joe, a man in the prime of his career who had spent 21 months with their title in 2003-04. Meanwhile, over in Japan, NOAH is in a similar spot, and the legendary Kenta Kobashi had just finished up a two-year-title-reign which cemented his already hefty legacy. When Kobashi signed up to do some dates with ROH, the chance to face him off with Samoa Joe must have been the easiest booking decision they ever made.

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ROH Throwback: The Round Robin Challenge (30/3/02)

I can only apologise for the long gap between old-school Ring Of Honor reviews. Truthfully, that is going to be the norm. These articles are something I’ll drop back into whenever there isn’t anything else to talk about/when I’m in the mood. I never promised it was going to be a fast history lesson. Anyway, ROH’s second show was based around a pretty simple premise. Low Ki, American Dragon and Christopher Daniels are fucking great. Let’s have them wrestle lots. Sounds good to me.

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WrestleMania Weekend: G1 Supercard (6/4/19) Review


It’s time for the big one! New Japan is in the Garden. And, well, I guess Ring Of Honor is there too. The G1 Supercard should be the show of the weekend, and if ROH weren’t there, I’d be putting money on that being the case. Sadly, I don’t trust those cunts, so we’ll have to wait and see. Still, Ibushi vs Naito could fart into a kazoo for thirty minutes, and I’d stand up and clap, so I’m going to have a good time.

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ROH 17th Anniversary Show (15/3/19) Review

Image result for roh 17th anniversary show
Credit: ROH

Ring Of Honor has walked a windy path in the last seventeen years. From the disgusting segment that kicked it all off through Danielson vs McGuinness to The Elite and now, em, well, to be honest, I’m not sure what they are at the moment, but that’s because they’re in the middle of establishing their new identity. Would their anniversary be a step forward? Time to find out.

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AEW: The Joy Of Choice

Image result for aew
It’s a new world.

Times they are a-changin’. Old Bob probably wasn’t reflecting on the shifting tides of the wrestling industry, but it seems a pertinent song in 2019’s world of graps. In the last few months, there hasn’t been so much a shake-up as someone’s punted the whole thing across a car park just to see what would happen. Why a car park? Fuck knows, to be honest.

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